Sunday, 12 December 2010

Christian music lyrics and chords: Amy Grant|Lirik dan chord Lagu Rohani | True Worshippers |Lagu Sekolah Minggu| Maria Shandi | Hillsong United | Planetshakers

Christian music lyrics and chords: Amy Grant|Lirik dan chord Lagu Rohani | True Worshippers |Lagu Sekolah Minggu| Maria Shandi | Hillsong United | Planetshakers

Alleluia to Christ The Lord - True Worshippers

I will lift my heart and sing
I will worship You my King
Earth and Heaven now proclaim
Jesus Christ the mighty name

Through the storm and raging sea
I will never be alone
When my hope seems out of sight
I know You will shine Your light

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia to Christ the Lord

Dengan segenap hati kumenyembah memuji
Sampai seluruh bumi bersujud mengakui
Walau malam menepi, tak akan kusendiri
Kasih yang menerangi, Kau setia menanti

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Kau Allahku

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Fungsi Bahasa Roh

Di mata Calvin, bahasa roh adalah sebuah karunia yang diberikan oleh Roh Kudus kepada orang percaya.10 Namun, karunia ini—sama seperti karunia yang lainnya juga—tidak serta merta diberikan kepada semua orang11 pada setiap saat, tetapi hanya diberikan oleh Roh Kudus dalam kondisi tertentu dengan tujuan tertentu.12 Sesuai dengan keyakinannya, semua karunia roh diberikan Roh Kudus kepada orang percaya dengan satu tujuan utama, yakni untuk membangun tubuh Kristus, sehingga penerapan karunia apa pun kalau bukan bertujuan membangun tubuh Kristus adalah pelanggaran dari tujuan Roh Kudus memberikan karuniakarunia tersebut.13
Sesuai dengan penjelasan di atas, karunia bahasa roh juga harus dipraktikkan demi pembangunan tubuh Kristus, yakni: pertama, karunia bahasa roh diberikan dalam hubungan yang sangat erat dengan pekabaran Injil. Tujuan karunia bahasa roh dalam aspek ini secara khusus ditemukan dalam catatan di Kisah Para Rasul. Pada saat itu, para rasul atau pekabar Injil di abad pertama mengalami keterbatasan karena faktor bahasa. Dengan memberikan kemampuan berbahasa asing kepada para rasul, Allah telah menghilangkan salah satu penghalang utama pekabaran Injil. Hal ini dapat dibaca lewat komentarnya atas peristiwa para murid berbahasa roh pada hari Pentakosta:
The diversity of tongues did hinder the gospel from being spread abroad any farther; so that, if the preachers of the gospel had spoken one language only, all men would have thought that Christ had been shut up in the small corner of Jewry.14
Dalam khotbahnya di hari Pentakosta, ia juga mengungkapkan bahwa Roh Kudus memberikan manifestasi bahasa roh kepada para rasul dengan dua tujuan, yakni agar Injil dapat disampaikan kepada segala bangsa dalam bahasa mereka masing-masing dan agar konsep yang salah bahwa keselamatan hanya disediakan bagi bangsa Yahudi dapat dibuang, seperti yang dapat dibaca lewat kutipan berikut ini:
It is true that it is said that all will speak the Hebrew language in order to join in a true faith, but the truth is better declared to us when it is said that all believers, from whatever region they may be, will cry, “Abba, Father,”invoking God with one accord; although there may be diversity of language. That, then, is how the Spirit of God wished to display His power in these tongues, in order that the Name of God might be invoked by all and that we might together be made partakers of this covenant of salvation which belonged only to the Jews until the wall was torn down.15
Pendapat di atas diperkuat dengan pernyataan dari rasul Paulus bahwa “karunia bahasa roh adalah tanda, bukan untuk orang yang beriman, tetapi untuk orang yang tidak beriman” (1Kor. 14:22). Bagi Calvin, kalimat di atas berarti karunia ini berfungsi sebagai sebuah mukjizat untuk dipertunjukkan kepada orang yang belum percaya agar mereka diyakinkan untuk menerima Injil, seperti yang dapat dibaca dari tulisannya:
The advantages derived from tongues were various. They provided against necessity— that diversity of tongues might not prevent the Apostles from disseminating the gospel over the whole world: there was, consequently, no nation with which they could not hold fellowship.16
Hasil dari pekabaran Injil adalah bangsa-bangsa yang datang dari aneka ragam latar belakang dan bahasa dapat bersatu di hadapan Tuhan, seperti yang tertuang dalam pikirannya: “But God did furnish the apostles with the diversity of tongues now, that he may bring and call home, into a blessed unity, men which wander here and there.”17
Konsep yang sama diungkapkannya ketika mengomentari kejadian di rumah Kornelius (Kis. 10:46) dengan mengatakan bahwa “that the tongues were given them . . . seeing the gospel to be preached to strangers and to men of another language.”18
Kedua, praktik bahasa roh dalam pertemuan jemaat. Bagi Calvin, bahasa roh—sama dengan karunia yang lain—memiliki satu tujuan utama, yakni untuk membangun jemaat19 dan membawa berkat bagi semua orang (for the common benefit).20 Supaya dapat membangun jemaat, maka semua bentuk praktik bahasa roh harus dapat dimengerti oleh orang-orang yang hadir dalam pertemuan ibadah tersebut, seperti yang dapat dibaca dalam tulisannya:
For the gift of tongues was conferred— not for the mere purpose of uttering a sound, but, on the contrary, with the view of making a communication. For how ridiculous a thing it would be, that the tongue of a Roman should be framed by the Spirit of God to pronounce Greek words, which were altogether unknown to the speaker, as parrots, magpies, and crows, ar taught to mimic human voices!21
Sesuai dengan pengajaran rasul Paulus di 1 Korintus 12-14, Calvin menerapkan prinsip bahwa dalam setiap pengajaran yang menggunakan bahasa roh harus diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa yang dimengerti oleh semua pendengar; dan seandainya tidak ada penerjemah, maka tidak seorang pun diizinkan berbicara dengan bahasa roh dalam pertemuan ibadah.22 Baginya, karunia bahasa roh yang dipadukan dengan karunia menerjemahkan menghasilkan karunia bernubuat, seperti ungkapannya: “For if interpretation is added, there will then be prophecy.”23
Sebaliknya, praktik bahasa roh yang tidak diterjemahkan dalam sebuah pertemuan ibadah merupakan sebuah pelanggaran atau penyalahgunaan, yang digambarkan Calvin dengan berbagai istilah berikut: (1) Misdirected ambition: sebuah ambisi untuk menyombongkan diri24 atau mempertontonkan kehebatan pribadi dalam barbahasa asing di balik praktik berbahasa roh di hadapan umum;25 untuk hal ini Calvin menyebut bahasa roh sebagai empty vauntings.26 (2) Speaking to no purpose: sebuah praktik berbahasa asing yang tidak membawa manfaat apa pun bagi pendengar, yang menurut Calvin bahwa “thy voice will not reach either to God or man, but will vanish into air.”27 (3) Speaking as a barbarian: sebuah manifestasi bahasa roh yang membingungkan para pendengar karena pada dasarnya tidak ada seorang pun yang mengerti;28 para pendengar pada gilirannya nanti akan menghina mereka yang berbahasa roh, yang oleh Calvin digambarkan sebagai “how foolish then it is and preposterous in a man, to utter in an assembly a voice which the hearer understand nothing – in which he perceives no token from which he may learn what the person means!”29
Ketiga, praktik bahasa roh dalam doa orang percaya. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, Calvin berpegang kepada prinsip bahwa semua doa harus diucapkan dalam bahasa yang dapat dimengerti. Baginya, doa tanpa pengertian tidak mungkin diterima oleh Allah, seperti yang dapat dibaca dalam tulisannya: “But this must be fully admitted: that it is by no means possible, either in public prayer or in private, that the tongue without the heart is accepted by God.”30 Di bagian lain, ia menulis bahwa berdoa dalam bahasa roh namun tanpa pengertian adalah sebuah pelanggaran atas fungsi dan tujuan dari karunia tersebut, sehingga tindakan tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang tidak berkenan kepada Allah.31 Ia bahkan mengritik gereja Katolik Roma yang saat itu mempraktikkan hal ini, menurutnya:
It is also plain that public prayers are not to be couched in Greek among the Latins, nor in Latin among the French or English (as hitherto has been everywhere practiced), but in vulgar tongue, so that all present may understand them, since they ought to be used for the edification of the whole Church, which cannot be in the least degree benefited by a sound not understood.32
Hal yang sama juga diajarkannya mengenai doa pribadi ketika ia menulis bahwa “the tongue is not even necessary to private prayer.”33 Namun, ia memberikan sebuah pengecualian penggunaan bahasa roh dalam doa, yakni ketika seseorang dalam kondisi yang sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mampu mengucapkan kata-kata dan secara spontan mengeluarkan bahasa roh atau bahasa tubuh lainnya. Tetapi, dalam kondisi demikian pun, orang tersebut tidak boleh kehilangan pengendalian atas pikiran dan pengertian, seperti yang ia tuliskan:
For although the best prayers are sometimes without utterances, yet when the feeling of the mind is overpowering, the tongue spontaneously breaks forth into utterance, and our other members in gesture. Hence that dubious muttering of Hannah (1Sam. 1:13), something similar to which is experienced by all saints when concise and abrupt expressions escape from them..34

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Cheat GTA san andreas

GTA: San Andreas Cheat Codes

Random Text Cheat Codes

Type/enter these codes during gameplay. The set code can be uppercase or lowercase.
Cheat Effect
YLTEICZ Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN Pink traffic
IOWDLAC Black traffic
AFSNMSMW Boats fly
JYSDSOD Max Muscle
ASBHGRB Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
AEZAKMI Never Wanted
CIKGCGX Beach Party
MROEMZH Gang Members Everywhere
MROEMZH Gangs Control the Streets
AFPHULTL Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV Slut Magnet
BGKGTJH Traffic is Cheap Cars
GUSNHDE Traffic is Fast Cars
JHJOECW Huge Bunny Hop
JUMPJET Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
JCNRUAD Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU All Cars Have Nitro
BSXSGGC Cars Float Away When Hit
XJVSNAJ Always Midnight
OFVIAC Orange Sky 21:00
MGHXYRM Thunderstorm
CWJXUOC Sandstorm
BAGUVIX Large Health Boost
CVWKXAM Infinite Oxygen
AIYPWZQP Have Parachute
YECGAA Have Jetpack
LJSPQK Six Star Wanted Level
CFVFGMJ Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL Faster Clock
PPGWJHT Faster Gameplay
LIYOAAY Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT Everyone is armed
AIWPRTON Spawn Rhino
CQZIJMB Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH Spawn Rancher
PDNEJOH Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV Spawn Racecar
AQTBCODX Spawn Romero
KRIJEBR Spawn Stretch
UBHYZHQ Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW Spawn Caddy
CPKTNWT Blow Up All Cars
XICWMD Invisible car
PGGOMOY Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG All green lights
LXGIWYL Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM Health, Armor, $250k
OSRBLHH Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
ASNAEB Clear Wanted Level
AFZLLQLL Sunny Weather
ICIKPYH Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS Rainy Weather
IAVENJQ Mega Punch
AEDUWNV Never Get Hungry
PRIEBJ Funhouse Theme
MUNASEF Adrenaline Mode
WANRLTW Infinite Ammo, No Reload
OUIQDMW Full Weapon Aiming While Driving
THGLOJ Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ Traffic is Country Vehicles
SJMAHPE Recruit Anyone (9mm)
BMTPWHR Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit
ZSOXFSQ Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
OGXSDAG Max Respect
EHIBXQS Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop
NCSGDAG Hitman In All Weapon Stats
OHDUDE Spawn Hunter
AMOMHRER Spawn Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT Spawn Dozer
URKQSRK Spawn Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID Spawn Monster
IFIRSTDOZ Never Wanted
CAINEMVHZC Infinite Health, except for explosions and falls
allcarsgoboom All Cars Explode

Plain Text Cheat Codes

Type these codes during gameplay. The set code can be uppercase or lowercase.
Cheat Effect
Testeducationalskills No Wanted Level
SPEEDFREAK All Cars Have Nitro
JUMPJET Spawn Hydra
BUBBLECARS Cars Float Away When Hit
NIGHTPROWLER Always Midnight
BRINGITON Six Star Wanted Level
ROCKETMAN Have Jetpack
CRAZYTOWN Funhouse Theme
FULLCLIP Infinite Ammo, No Reload
GHOSTTOWN Reduced Traffic
ROCKETMAYHEM Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
NATURALTALENT Max All Vehicle Skill Stats
OHDUDE Spawn Hunter
EVERYONEISPOOR Traffic is Cheap Cars
EVERYONEISRICH Traffic is Fast Cars
BIFBUZZ Gangs Control the Streets
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED Gang Members Everywhere
BLUESUEDESHOES Elvis is Everywhere
STICKLIKEGLUE Perfect Handling
TRUEGRIME Spawn Trashmaster
VROCKPOKEY Spawn Racecar
SLOWITDOWN Slower Gameplay
SPEEDITUP Faster Gameplay
TOODAMNHOT Very Sunny Weather
PROFESSIONALSKIT Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
OLDSPEEDDEMON Spawn Devil         

GTA: San Andreas Unlockables

Unlockable Outfits

These are all the Unlockable Outfits in the game...
Unlockable How to Unlock
Medic Uniform Date Katie to %100
Pimp Suit Date Denise to %100
Overall's Outfit Date Helena to %100
Racing Outfit Date Michelle to %100
Police Uniform Date Barbara to %100
Valet Uniform Complete the mission "555-WE-TIP"
Gimp Suit Complete the mission "The Key to her Heart"
Croupier Uniform Complete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caligula's"

Girlfriends Cars

These cars are obtained through getting the girfriends to %50...
Unlockable How to Unlock
Green Hustler Date Denise to %50
Bandito Date Helena (Her car doesn't have any doors)
White Romero Date Katie to %50
Monster Truck Date Michelle to %50
Police Ranger Date Barbara to %50
Pink Club Date Millie to %50

Girlfriend Perks

Unlockable How to Unlock
Free Pay-and-Spray Date Michelle and you can use her Garage as a Pay-and-Spray
Keep weapons after being Wasted Date Katie
Keep weapons after being Busted Date Barbara
Pistol, Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktails, and Flame Thrower Date Helena(you can find the weapons in a big shed by her house)

Dual Weildable Weapons

Get these weapons to Hitman to Dual Weild them
Unlockable How to Unlock
Dual Pistol's Reach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
Dual Sawn-off Shotgun's Reach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
Dual Tec-9's Reach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
Dual Micro-SMG's Reach the Gun Rank "Hitman"

"Hidden Package" Rewards

Collect all the "hidden packages" in their respective areas to get these weapons...
Unlockable How to Unlock
Tec-9, AK-47, Sawn-off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails at CJ's house in Ganton Spray all 100 Graffiti Tags in Los Santos
Sniper Rifle, Grenades, Shotgun, and Micro-SMG at CJ's Garage in San Fierro Snap all 50 Snapshots in San Fierro
MP5, Satchel Charge, M4, and Combat Shotgun at The Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas Collect all 50 Horseshoes in Las Venturas


Complete the assets missions/objectives to get money made at that location
Unlockable How to Unlock
Airstrip Asset Complete the Missions for the Airstrip
Burger Shot Asset Complete all 4 Deliveries in Las Venturas
Hippy Shopper Asset Complete all 4 Deliveries in San Fierro
Roboi's Food Mart Asset Complete all 4 Deliveries in Los Santos
The Johnson House Take Over Territories in Los Santos
Vank Hoff Hotel Valet Parking Asset Complete all 5 Levels of Valet Parking in San Fierro
Wang Cars Asset Complete the missions for this asset, plus the cars you steal will spawn inside the showroom
Zero's RC Shop Asset Complete all of the RC Shop missions

Vehicle Side-Mission Unlockables

Unlockable How to Unlock
CJ becomes Fireproof Complete all 12 Levels of the Firetruck Missions
Armor get raised to Maximum Complete all 12 Levels of the Vigilante Missions
Health get raised to Maximum Complete all 12 Levels of the Paramedic Missions
$50,000 & Free Train Rides Complete all 2 Levels of the Freight Train Missions
Nirto on all Taxis/Cabbies and Taxi's and Cabbies can Hop Succesfully Transport 50 People(Complete 50 Fares)
Entertaining prositutes earns you money (instead of taking it away) Complete level 10 of the pimping missions

Unlimited ammo

Unlockable How to Unlock
Unlimited ammo Complete the game 100% (get 100% on the stat Progress Made)

Bonus 1.000.000$

Locations are marked with checkered flag. See radar or map.
Unlockable How to Unlock
1.000.000$ bonus Finish all races 1st (four locations)

100% completition Bonus

Unlockable How to Unlock
Rhino spawns at CJ's house in Grove Stree complete the game 100%
Hydra spawns at CJ's house in Grove Street complete the game 100%
increased stats complete the game 100%
increased money complete the game 100%

Infinite sprint

Complete the Burglary mission by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Infinite Sprint Complete the Burglary mission

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

All Power All Glory - True Worshippers

I have seen Your glory
I have heard Your fame Lord
Now I stand in awe of
All You’ve done
Your splendor’s like the sunrise
Power’s in Your hands
Now I will sing and shout of
All You’ve done
All power, all glory
Praises be unto You forever
My soul sings as I bring
My life to worship You my Majesty
You alone, in You alone
I will live, I will move
And have my being

Ku Diberi Kuasa - True Worshippers

Ku dib‘ri kuasa dari Raja Mulia
Menaklukkan musuh
Di bawah kakiku
Kupakai kuasa dari Raja Mulia
Bila Allah ada bersamaku
Siapa jadi lawanku
Sungguh besar Kau Tuhanku
Engkau perisai hidupku
Kuberdiri dengan iman
Iman dalam Yesus Tuhan
Kau yang memb’ri kemenangan
Kubersorak merayakan
Terpujilah Engkau Raja s’gala Raja Free Download Lagu True Worshippers Ku Diberi Ku

Monday, 1 November 2010

Love - Jaeson Ma ft Bruno Mars

Now Hollywood wants to make you think they know what love is. But I'm a tell you what true love is. Love is not what you see in the movies. Its not the ecstasy, its not what you see in that scene you know what I mean? I'm telling you right now, true love is sacrifice. Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself Love is selfless not selfish. Love is God and God is love. Love is when you lay down your life for another Whether for your brother, your mother, your father or your sister Its even laying down your life for your enemies, That's unthinkable, but think about that Love is true Think.

Chorus I'll put you in front of me So everybody can see My love, this is my love I know that I'll be alright As long as you are my guide My love, this is my love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast It is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs You see love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, it always perseveres Love never fails. Love is everlasting Its eternal, it goes on and on, it goes beyond time Love is the only thing that will last when you die But ask the question why? Do you have love?

Chorus I'll put you in front of me So everybody can see My love, this is my love I know that I'll be alright As long as you are my guide My love, this is my love

There is no greater love than this than he who lays down his life for his friends Now are you willing to lay down your life for your friends? You're probably willing to lay down your life for your mother your father, or your best friends But are you willing to lay down your life for even those that hate you? I'm going to tell you who did that The definition of love is Jesus Christ. He is love The nails in his hands, the thorns in his brow Hanging on a cross for your sin my sins That is love he died for you and me while we still hated him That is love God is true love, and if you don't know this love Now is the time to know, perfect love

Chorus I'll put you in front of me So everybody can see My love, this is my love I know that I'll be alright As long as you are my guide My love, this is my love (repeat)